How to Subscribe or Donate

round white fluffy dandelion seedhead above loosely woven green grass nest

“Dandelion” by Kevin Morrow
Spring / Summer 2023
Vol 37 Issue 1

Thank You for reading The Comstock Review!
The Comstock Review is in print because poets trust us with their writing,

Poets share their work when they dare to be in conversation with the world.

Our mission is to connect poets and readers as a poetry community. We couldn’t do this without you.

You are the reader we dream of — the one who finds something — something beautiful, informative, intriguing or well-formed, or personally relevant, or simply entertaining — in each of our issues.

Thank you for your letters and emails of appreciation. You keep our volun- teer editors motivated to spend long hours selecting poems and working behind-the-scenes to bring our journals and chapbooks to you.

This is a tough time for small presses. Many established journals have closed up shop recently. Costs have gone up, readership has gone down, and every- one feels exhausted. Because of you, we are still here.

Your subscriptions and tax-deductible donations help keep The Comstock Review in print. We’re making significant changes: updating our layout and typesetting, and with your continued support, a new website and future projects to make poetry more accessible to wider audiences.

Your Support Matters even more right now! Here are three ways you can do that:

Subscribe and support The Comstock Review.

There are two ways to send your subscription to The Comstock Review:
via Submittable — or—
Mail us a request with your check or money order to:

The Comstock Review att: Subscribe 

PO Box 205, LaFayette NY 13084

1 yr Subscription to Comstock Review ($25 plus online fees)

You will receive two issues in the current volume (year). Enjoy a year of intriguing poetry while supporting the printed word!

Subscriptions are critical to our mission of continuing to support poets and poetry readers. In fact

We have no broad institutional support and don’t sell any advertising in our journal. We cover the costs of publishing The Comstock Review through contest fees, sales of the journal and winning chapbooks, small donations

– and subscriptions from supporters like you.

Poets and readers supporting poets together. What could be better?

2 yr Subscription to The Comstock Review ($45 plus online fees)

What could be better than a 1-year subscription to The Comstock Review? Why two years, of course!

Get a discount for committing to 2 years of poets and readers supporting poetry together. You get 4 issues of great poetry plus become a dedicated supporter!

When you subscribe and support The Comstock Review for two years you receive four issues – two in the current volume (year), and the next volume (two issues) for next year.

Enjoy twice as much intriguing poetry while supporting the printed word!

Thank you!


If you would like to subscribe to The Comstock Review

One year—$25 • Two years—$45  (2 issues per year)

TO SUBSCRIBE BY MAIL, send check or money order to:
The Comstock Review, Att: Subscriptions

PO Box 205, LaFayette NY, 13084

TO SUBSCRIBE ONLINE, go to and click on “Subscribe”

Make a tax-deductible donation to Comstock Review, Inc.

If you have been considering a tax-deductible donation to Comstock Review, Inc.

(the nonprofit organization that prints The Comstock Review and our annual chapbook winner)

Here is how you can do it:

 Contact Us for more details if you need to,

either by emailing poetry[at]

or by sending Board President Betsy Anderson a letter at the address below:

Send your check or money order to:

Comstock Review, Inc. att: Donate

PO Box 205, LaFayette NY 13084

Be sure to let us know the following information: 

Amount you would like to donate (in U.S. dollars)

Address (so we can send you an acknowledgment of your tax-deductible donation):
Name,  Street Address, City, State, Zip, Country (if no US)

Email  and/or phone (in case we need to contact you)

And please let us know the following:

  1. Whether you would like your donation to be anonymous,
  2. Whether you would like us to send you an update once or twice a year.

Thank you!